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Make it SMELL GOOD Again – VIDEO

DEAR QUEEN. MAKE IT SMELL GOOD! – As seen on 3TV/Phoenix – Good Morning Arizona – Monday, February 10, 2020 – 8:45am and Saturday, February 15, 2020 – 6:45am.

Watch the video broadcast at the bottom of this post


2 Cups Epsom Salts

15 drops Orange Essential Oil (optional)

15 drops Lavender Essential Oil (optional)

Mason Jar or other container for the Laundry Scent Crystals

In a mixing bowl combine the Epsom Salts and Essential Oils. Use a spatula to ensure the oils are fully incorporated.

If you prefer a more mild scent, decrease the amount of oils.

You can use a single oil or combine any ones you like.

Add laundry scent crystals to a container. If you are using a citrus oil in your mix it’s best to store your scent booster in a glass container. If you don’t use citrus oils, use any container.

To Use

Add 1/8 to 1/4 a cup of Laundry Scent Booster directly to your washing machine tub before you begin the wash cycle.

This recipe yields 8-16 loads.

NOTE: Be careful using the scent booster on linens that guests will use. Be sure they have no allergy issues.


This is a safe, natural jar freshener you can sit out to absorb odor and lightly scent the air.

You will need:

A small jar such as a small Ball™ jelly jar – It should have a flat lid and ring.

Fabric or scrapbook paper that suits your décor

Baking Soda

Essential Oil – your choice

Cut fabric or scrapbook paper into a square or circle. If you want the fabric to slightly drape over the edges of the jar cut it larger.

Pour Baking Soda into the jar – about 1/2 full

Add about 10-30 drops of your favorite essential oil

Place the fabric or scrapbook paper inside the lid and screw it onto the jar. Using a large needle or nail, carefully poke several holes in the fabric or paper

Gently shake the jar. Then shake every few days to refresh the scent and add more oil as needed.

The baking soda naturally absorbs odors while the essential oil gives off a light scent.

You can change the fabric and paper depending on your decor or the Season.

I am obsessed with the fragrance of Tea Tree Oil so I use that in my bathroom air fresheners. Tea Tree Oil is a antimicrobial and antibacterial.


3/4 cup water- tap, bottled or distilled

2 tablespoons vodka, or rubbing alcohol**

Choose your essential oil or combination of oils – Use 20 drops or more if desired

Combine in an 8oz spray bottle, shake well, and spray as needed

You can also combine in a sealed container and add to sprayers of any size as needed.

*You can use inexpensive essential oils for this purpose since you are not using them medicinally.

**The vodka or alcohol in the recipe helps the essential oils and water to mix more thoroughly, and helps the homemade air freshener to dry faster as it is sprayed.

Deodorizing Air Freshener Spray

This is a great bathroom spray because of the tea tree disinfecting properties

4 drops Tea Tree essential oil* (if you have a cat or dog you can substitute Peppermint Oil)

8 drops lemon essential oil

6 drops eucalyptus essential (Have cats or dogs, substitute Neem Oil)

Coffee Air Freshener

Fill an attractive glass or metal container with whole coffee beans and then work tea light candles down into the beans so that the wax top and wick are exposed. Light the candles and as they heat up the house will be scented with the lovely aroma of coffee. This is a great use for expired beans, coffee you didn’t like or $$$ Store finds.

*Some essential oils can be hazardous to cats and dogs if inhaled or ingested. If you have a pet in your home, do your research to eliminate oils that will cause a problem. Here is a general list of what to avoid. This list may not include everything.

For dogs:

  • Clove
  • Garlic
  • Juniper
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Thyme
  • Wintergreen

For cats

  • Cassia
  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus
  • Clove
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Spruce
  • Tea Tree
  • Thyme

Watch the VIDEO broadcast (click on the video to play)

How to get rid of smells

