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How to Remove MUSTARD From CLOTHES – Video

About this Tip:

How to remove tough mustard stains from fabric

How to remove tough mustard stains from fabric and clothing.

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How to:

  1. The problem with mustard, especially yellow mustard, is turmeric. Most people know turmeric as the bright orange-yellow spice commonly used in Indian cooking, but it's also commonly used to give mustard its bright yellow color. Turmeric is one of those stains that I can't offer an absolute promise of removal. Removing it can be trial and error,
  2. If you've dropped a big blob of mustard on your clothes, start by lifting as much of it as you can with a knife or spoon.
  3. Then squeeze lemon juice directly onto the stain and rub it into the fabric using your fingers. That may end up eliminating the stain entirely, especially if it's on the smaller side, but at the very least it will help to pretreat the stain, making it more likely to come out in the wash. No lemon? Flush the stain with cold running water, working from the backside out, which will push the mustard off of the fabric, rather than back through the fibers.
  4. What Not to Do: Use no bleach, no detergent and no hand soap. It will set the stain.
  5. What to Do Later:
  6. Spray the stain with a laundry pretreatment product. Work the spray into the stain by rubbing the fabric against itself—if you notice the stain immediately lightening, soak it in cold water for 15 minute or so, remove, wring out and repeat the process. The stain may come out entirely before the shirt even goes into the wash.
  7. If you have no luck with that, try Fels Naptha Laundry Bar Soap. It is a laundry spotter on steroids. .Just wet the bar and rub it on the stain.
  8. Launder as usual. Be sure the stain is gone before you put it in the dryer.

Warnings & Cautions:

Don't put the fabric in the dryer until the stain is gone. The heat will set the stain and it will not be removable.

Video Tip:

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