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Removing Candle Wax

About this Tip:

How to remove old candle wax leftovers from a jar candle

How to remove old candle wax leftovers from a jar candle

How to:

  1. Use a knife (with care) or narrow putty knife to pry out the candle base and any chunks of wax left in the jar.
  2. Scrape away excess wax and remove the wick collar (the metal end of the wick).
  3. When the jar is relatively clean, put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds until the wax softens. Repeat if needed
  4. Wipe away any melted wax with a paper towel.
  5. You can use D-Solv-It or Goo Gone to remove any remaining wax.
  6. Now the jar can be repurposed

Warnings & Cautions:

I generally wear throw away gloves when doing this procedure to avoid having melted wax stuck on my skin.

Linda Says:

You can repurpose the jar for another candle or some make a cute low vase.
