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What You Need:

  • White Vinegar
  • Lemons or lemon Juice
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Softner (Dryer) sheet (New or used)
  • Micro-Fiber cloth (or any clean soft cloth)

How To:

Option #1

  1. Put white Vinegar onto a soft cloth
  2. Rub in on and buff clean

Option #2

  1. Put Lemon Juice onto a soft cloth
  2. Rub in on and buff clean

Option #3

  1. Put Rubbing Alcohol onto a soft cloth
  2. Rub it onto the chrome and work it in
  3. Turn the cloth over and Buff with Dry side

Polishing Chrome:

  1. Take a new or used Softener Dryer sheet and rub it on the chrome
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Not all items listed in the “What You Need” are needed since there are multiple options for cleaning chrome.

Linda Says:

A Great Money Saver!

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What You Need:

  • Dryer Fabric Sofener Sheet (new or used)

How to:

  1. Be sure the chrome you are cleaning is dry
  2. Rub firmly with a new or used dryer fabric softener sheet
  3. Buff with a soft cloth if needed when done

Why it Works:

The abrasive texture of the softener sheet buffs away light scum, water spots and mineral deposits The softener in the sheet breaks down the water pots and soak scum
Cleaning Tip Title: Cleaning Chrome
Recommended Products: All Purpose Cleaner Extreme Tub & Shower Cleaner
WP Forms Entry ID: 884


  1. Chrome
  2. Chrome fixtures
  3. How do you clean chrome
  4. Cleaning chrome
  5. Water spots on chrome
  6. Soap scum on chrome
  7. Chrome faucets
  8. How do I get water spots off chrome
  9. How do I get soap scum off of chrome

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