QUEEN of CLEAN WINDOW CLEANING HACKS (Aired on 3TV/Phoenix – Good Morning Arizona – Monday, March 6, 2017 – 8:20am) This formula is for washing windows and using the hose to rinse them and not drying them. I have found these types of formulas work...
JEWELRY CLEANING TIPS (Aired, February 20, 2017 (Good Morning Arizona, 3TV/Phoenix, 8:40am)) CLEANING STERLING SILVER: This is for cleaning all sterling silver except pieces that have stones in them. Lay a sheet of aluminum foil, shiny side up, in a heat proof...
SUPER EASY SUPER BOWL STAIN REMOVAL – Aired “live” on Good Morning Arizona (3TV/Phoenix) – Monday, February 6, 2017 – (8:40am) Super Bowl laundry stains can be challenging, but if you know what to do, it’s easy! Yesterday was fun, but...
BLEACH AND HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN- Aired on Good Morning Arizona (3TV/Phoenix) – Monday, January 23, 2017 (8:30am) Today I want to talk about the best way to use bleach, when to use different types of bleach, and how to make your own for laundry and for cleaning....
Aired “live” on Good Morning Arizona (3TV) – JANUARY 9, 2017 (8:20am) WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?! Today I want to bring you some gadgets and gizmos that will make your life easier, cleaner, faster and even fun! Most of these things are available at...
Holiday Home Safety Tips The holidays are a wonderful time full of food, family get-togethers and traditions, but the holidays can also pose many safety concerns, so it’s best to be cautious. From lighting candles to hanging Christmas lights, there are plenty of...
TOP 5 QUESTIONS asked in 2016… My email and Facebook (Queen of Clean Linda Cobb) are always flooded with questions. These are the top 5 that everyone wants to know. SWEAT STAINS ON WHITES AND COLORFAST CLOTHES 1 cup vinegar 1/2 cup baking soda 1 tablespoon salt...
MY FAVORITE THANKSGIVING HACKS As seen on 3TV (Good Morning Arizona – Nov. 7, 2016 – 8:45am) BURNED ON FOOD IN CASSEROLE Clean up is so easy. Fill it with hot water, drop in a dryer fabric softener sheet. Let it soak a few hours or overnight. Dump out, wash and...
QUEEN of CLEAN WINDOW CLEANING HACKS (as seen on 3TV/Phoenix – Aired “live” on Monday October 3, 2016, 8:20am) This formula is for washing windows and using the hose to rinse them and not drying them. I have found these types of formulas work quite...
Kids are going back to school and those lazy days of summer are behind us now. In summer, we tend to be a little more casual about the house. We can live with it being a little messy because the kids are home and playing outside and so are we. The family vacations are...
As seen on 3TV (Good Morning Arizona) – Monday, September 12, 2016 (8:45 am): Lemons and lemon juice are natures bleach and disinfectant. They are a safe natural way to clean many surfaces in your home and also laundry. If you are using real lemons to clean, buy...
Published in: US Weekly Magazine (August 15, 2016) Got milk … stains on your sofa? When you share a home with kids, practically everything you own will qualify for biohazard status at some point or another. Linda Cobb, author of the Queen of Clean book series, reveals...
As seen on 3TV/Phoenix (aired live on August 8, 2016, 8:20am) BACK TO SCHOOL EASY FIXES THE ONLY SPOTTER YOU MAY EVER NEED: This is such as easy spotter to make and it is a miracle worker. Combine in an opaque spray or squirt bottle: MIRACLE SPOTTER 2 Part Dawn...
WHAT DO DOCTORS TELL THEIR FRIENDS ABOUT TOXINS? Beware that cleaning cocktail you are mixing. Know what you are combining, only follow trusted experts and websites for advice. “I see people in my practice who have breathed in chemicals while cleaning. Sometimes...
QUEEN OF CLEAN TV SEGMENT – Aired on Sonoran Living (ABC15/Phoenix) on July 15, 2016 (9:30am) THE AMAZING CLEAN PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Hydrogen peroxide is a fantastic cleaner and disinfectant for household use. It has the ability to quickly kill...
As Seen on 3TV Good Morning Arizona (7/7/16): Grass Grass stains on clothes can be removed with an old toothbrush and plain white toothpaste; just make sure you use a paste variety and not a gel or whitening paste. Squeeze a small amount of the toothpaste onto the...
The Fourth of July is such a fun holiday. Getting together with friends, great food, barbecue, ketchup and mustard stains….wait, no, the stains aren’t fun! They don’t have to ruin clothes though. Here’s my favorite miracle spot remover. It...
Dry-Clean your American flag if it is old and valuable. This is recommended for American flags that are decorative with tassels and gold rope. Some dry cleaners will clean them for free. Wash your American flag by hand. Fill a wash basin or sink with cool water and...
Looking to shine up your silver? Did tarnish get the best of it? Now you’re thinking you should run to store to buy silver polish or any chemical to get your silver polished and looking like new again. Well… hold on… You don’t have to! The...
Cleaning a sliding shower door track is not something you put on your “to do” list and it’s typically something you NEVER think about cleaning, right? Well, the Queen has a very easy and quick way to clean your sliding door track. Of course the...
Here’s a great cleaning tip to help get those pesky underarm pit stains out from your clothes. This video cleaning tip from the Queen, will show how to use safe ingredients (no chemicals), that are typically in your home, to help get this specific underarm stain...
BORAX: This is a mineral that is mined, commonly called Boron. Initially used in the soldering of metal. Now used as a laundry booster, stain remover and bleaching agent for colored clothes. WASHING SODA: This product is very alkaline and originally was used in the...
1. To remove odors from the ice box, cupboard or pantry fill a dish with boiling water and drop in a piece of charcoal. Putting boiling water in the refrigerator is not energy efficient, plus this is a potentially messy and not an effective way to remove odors. ...
As seen on 3TV/Phoenix on June 6, 2016: Hairspray is a pretty amazing product and can be used for many things besides hair. When buying hairspray, for cleaning and other purposes, go to the $$$ Store. Generally the cheaper the quality of the spray the better it...