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All Purpose Spray – Kill E. Coli

About this Tip:

This is an easy natural spray cleaner that can help kill E.coli

This is an easy natural spray cleaner that can help kill E.coli

How to:

  1. Fill a bottle with at least 5% or 6% acidic white vinegar.
  2. Wash the counter with hot water and soap
  3. Mist with undiluted distilled white vinegar
  4. Allow to air dry


You can even put a spray top on a quart vinegar bottle. Use on kitchen counters to kill E.coli and other household bacteria.

Warnings & Cautions:

Not for use on granite or other stone.

Linda Says:

This will even work on something like raw chicken juice.. Safe on all food prep areas. Add some essential oil for a appealing fragrance. Peppermint, Eucalyptus and rosemary work well with the vinegar.

Why It Works:

The acidity in the vinegar kills the bacteria.
